Insights shared here are from people who have worked directly with me and my guides. I don’t share their identities out of respect for their privacy and honor their unique experiences. My team and I accept all feedback with love, light, and gratitude for working with us.

  • β€œHealing and transformative! Jennifer’s ability to connect with her inner divine and foster an all inclusive safe space for personal awakening is beyond miraculous. She is love and joy in action, and has helped deepen my sense of spiritual self, my intuitive connections with others, and brought positive introspective reflection to my heart."

  • "Powerful, Deep, and Safe! Jennifer is spiritually connected and gifted. Through her journey of self love, she is able to reflect that in the connection she creates with you."

  • "It was better than I honestly had anticipated and it left me wanting more. It was scary in a sense. It really felt like I was connecting with things outside of our physical world and the "realness" of it took me by complete surprise. After the event....I felt exhilarated and energized. All fear had evaporated. I'm just so eternally grateful to have been able to connect with Jennifer and her Soul Family!"

  • "Profound, life changing and beautiful!"

  • β€œJust for the heck of it, I had Jennifer work on my left knee area where I've been experiencing pretty intense nerve pain. I definitely felt immediate improvement and it continues to feel much better."

  • "I had hoped to experience some settling of my digestive issues and the healing somehow helped that. I felt open and there was a sense of familiarity. There were moments of recognition of something…someone. I can’t define it more than that but it left me with a sense of peace."

  • "If you are reading this review, this is guidance you should not think twice, and connect with Jennifer. It was divine timing for me, and will continue to connect with her because of the amazing experiences thus far. Your heart, mind, and soul will find the peace and gratitude for the choice you make. Don’t overthink it!"

  • Jennifer, thank you so much for such a wonderful experience. Very grateful for you and also proud of the journey you've embarked on. I would love to continue learning more from you, as I really want to deepen my spirituality/connection with the universe and unlock my abilities too. Much love and light!

  • "I gained insight about prior life experiences which helped explain some phobias and unexplained reactions currently. I connected with a deceased relative and healed some unresolved issues. I also gained insight into my own abilities and received guidance to assist with my personal development."

  • "Amazing. Insights I received have given me a different perspective and have helped me to make life decisions in places where I had been stuck for a long time."

  • "The energy work Jennifer did on my neck was unbelievable, she honed right in on the area I’ve been experiencing pain for months. The energy work, plus the recommended stretching really helped relieve the pain and relax my tense neck muscles!"

  • "The guidance that was spiritually supported opened perspectives and understandings that my heart wanted and mind needed. Soul reflection and heart opening was what was achieved."

  • "Jennifer provided a therapy session for my Higher Self! And, I thank you!!"

  • β€œI experienced a peaceful feeling and relief from pain.”

  • "Magical and cathartic!"

  • "Jennifer’s real gift is meeting the client where they are at, she never pushed or pulled; she guided me through this amazing experience."

  • "After having had experienced a devastating loss in my life, Jen’s energy work with me was able to release much physical distress that I was experiencing. Her work with me did more to alleviate this distress than any other grief work that I had done and in a much shorter time frame. While the process is not over, the work that Jen did allowed me to be able to be more comfortable with the rest of the healing process."

  • "Profound. I didn't have any real expectations, but the healing is still happening. I went into it with a totally open mind. It’s a very different experience to have a medium convey a message compared to having a channeled energy speak with you in the first person."

  • "Jennifer validated some of my intuitions and provided me a deeper sense of direction and understanding of my purpose."

  • "It was better than anticipated. I was a bit apprehensive but have known Jennifer for a long time. She is a person that lives with the highest integrity and personal values. I know that what she was experiencing and allowing me to be a part of was true."

  • "Fulfilled a part of me that I didn’t know was missing."

  • "Jennifer is one of the cleanest mediums I've ever worked with. She is able to connect with and channel with guides and Spirit in a way that is very safe, enlightening and expansive. I got important and valuable information and insights through her. I highly recommend her to anyone looking to find the missing pieces to feel more freedom and joy in their lives."

  • "Do not second guess yourself. Book an appointment today! Hands down you will find answers you’re seeking. I highly recommend!"

  • "I received valuable guidance about how to show up in a more balanced and aligned way on my personal and professional journey. I experienced an inner sense of self awareness, self compassion, guidance, acceptance, and deeper understanding of my journey."

  • "I loved being on the Zoom as a loving witness to your divine calling. I felt the loving and supportive collective energy. I am interested in communicating and receiving downloads from my own guides and found your process very informative and thought provoking. I commend you for your openness to this process and for stepping out and sharing your gifts with us."

  • "Powerful, Deep, and Safe! Jennifer is spiritually connected and gifted. Through her journey of self love, she is able to reflect that in the connection she creates with you."

  • "Introduction to my spirit guides and instruction on how to call them in was discovered. It was better than I honestly had anticipated and it left me wanting more. It was scary in a sense. It really felt like I was connecting with things outside of our physical world and the "realness" of it took me by complete surprise. After the event....I felt exhilarated and energized. All fear had evaporated. I'm just so eternally grateful to have been able to connect with Jennifer and her Soul Family!"

  • "Things I had been feeling… random memories that had recently been coming to mind that felt like a form of redirecting of some aspects of my life were addressed and confirmed. My personal sense of spirituality was confirmed."

  • "I had hoped to experience some settling of my digestive issues and the healing somehow helped that. I felt open and there was a sense of familiarity. There were moments of recognition of something…someone. I can’t define it more than that but it left me with a sense of peace."

  • "Connecting with the Spirit through Jennifer is a strange experience, indeed - haha! But still comforting and worth anyone experiencing!"

  • "It was a lot to take in with meeting my spirit guides AND my mom came through. I experienced a sense of relief and also grief as connecting to my mom is still tough… I miss her greatly. I loved Adrianna's enthusiasm and her willingness to help me."

  • "What amazed me the most was the absolutely palpable feeling of energy that reached out to me during the healing. To say that I was surprised would be an understatement! Also, some of the messages that I received from the "guests" were breath-taking to say the least. I actually felt like I was speaking to different people, each time a new entity emerged."

  • "Seeing the outpouring of support from everyone (on the Zoom) was amazing. As was noticing the subtle changes in tone and demeanor from Jennifer as her Soul Family came through."

  • "I have a deep reverence for and interest in all of the potential energies in the Universe and beyond. It was beautiful to witness the connection and openness that you have to your guides and your willingness to be a vessel through which the wisdom of the multiverse flows."

  • "My session with Jennifer was very comfortable yet professional. Having never had an energy reading of this type done before, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Jennifer led me through the experience and I walked away feeling very positive about the session."

  • "Whenever she's comfortable, I would LOVE to help share Jennifer's story (and that of her soul family) on my radio show/podcast! I'm absolutely fascinated by it and feel it would be so beneficial to so many others to know what she's going/went through."

  • "It helped nudge me into remembering how little we actually know about what we're really doing here."

  • "Excellent. Deep connection. Lots of insight. Conversation with my father was profound. The other things...I am still processing."

  • "Jennifer thoroughly explained beforehand and what may happen so it was very comfortable. I will be seeking her guidance again."

  • "Excellent. I was pleased with our discussion, her insight and the clarity I received from the healing. I was reminded that I am never alone."

  • "It allowed myself to know that my inner-self/higher-self was there for me. That I am not alone. I felt lighter and that the only direction I can go is forward. That I am a survivor and I will thrive. And going forward means dealing/understanding the negative energy that had been in my life is no longer allowed to manipulate my present."

  • "​​It was the beginning to allow myself to breathe. And also for me to trust myself. It may not be all "Sunshine Lolipops" but this journey of mine, is all mine."

  • " Transformational. There’s nothing that can prepare you for a session like this. It is trusting the universe and all its awesomeness at its finest."

  • "Having recently reached the age of 70, I was feeling like a teenager again. Who am I? What is my purpose? While I'm still on my journey, the souls of my parents came through in such a deeply healing way that I feel that I will be better prepared for whatever is to come. Jennifer's gifts are the real deal, and I highly recommend her to help guide your journey."

  • "I was extremely satisfied with my session with Jennifer."

  • "Awesome! I had always thought I had guides so it was nice to talk with them."

  • "WONDERFUL! It was nice to have validation of a lot of things I had already thought about myself. I also really wanted to talk to my mom and I did."

  • "I never really knew what Chakras are and when we went into meditation...whoa. It wasn't scary at all and I did feel relief. I have never been to a medium/channeler before and was a bit scared. My fear was unfounded and it was like talking with a good friend. While I am still processing some sensitive communication from a loved one on the other side, I will be forever grateful for this gift."

  • " I would personally like to thank Jennifer for her willingness to work with me, to show up and put her own energy out there to help and support me on my spiritual path. I also really appreciate the concept of "pay what you can". I value Jennifer and her time and I think it should be "paid" for and not everyone can pay certain prices. This openness to taking what one can give is truly appreciated. For me it means that I can keep having healing sessions with Jennifer without feeling like I can't afford it...which means I can do this again in 6 months or so when I am ready for another session. THANK YOU :)"

  • "I felt so held and understood; her ability to hold space and use her spiritual gifts together with Adriana made me feel safe, accepted and truly guided in a loving way. The tools they both provided me to help shift and utilise my energies has been instrumental in aiding me on my healing journey and to become the healer I’m meant to be."

  • "No more fear! I walked out onto and fully across this bridge. 467 feet high! My reward? 2 beautiful California Condors! And more importantly, freedom from fear!! So, I thank you. It seems to have stuck."

  • "I expected it to be weird but it wasn't at all. Just like talking to a friend."

  • "I didn't know what to expect but I did receive some physical (hip pain) healing and still processing the emotional/relational healing."

  • "I felt safe, guided and protected. I could feel them working with my energies which helped me to recognise these energies."

  • "I have had some personal issues that I've been grappling with, and that came to light during the session. My guide, Antonio, in particular called this out and affirmed that I need to continue working on it, "pour love" on myself during times of doubt, embrace my own self-worth, and reassured me that everything would be OK!"

  • "Very surreal, but also reassuring. In particular, it was powerful to connect with my higher self and my spirit guides. To know that my Higher Self had knowledge and guidance that would benefit me in the long run was a very profound experience."

  • "Excellent! I didn't know what to expect coming in, but I was very quickly put at ease by Jennifer. It was an incredible experience connecting with my higher self, soul guides and a lost loved one. There were moments that felt so surreal, and I felt like I left with a lot of much-needed insight and guidance. Jennifer is truly gifted!"

  • "So Surprised! Thank you, I was in a Zoom call last night with Jennifer and Adriana. I was sitting in my recliner because my legs hurt really bad. This is a everyday thing. While on the call Adriana helped me so much, and I didn't even realize it until after the call and I got up from the recliner and was in very little pain. "What" I could even walk better. Did I cry? Yes I did. Happy tears. Thank you so much for spiritual healing."

  • "You were truly meant to be in our lives. When I was seeking help for us, I wasn't sure what kind of help my husband needed. Now, I know you were to be our spiritual guide with Adrianna. We are going to take your advice and meditate on a daily basis. He mentioned to me - when we all were meditating for a moment with the breathing exercises - that he felt different...more at peace. We are honored to have you take this journey with us."

  • "I had an absolutely Amazing experience. Surrounded in deep deep love and support. Knowing that unconditional love is the key. I’ve known this but not in a way to pour it into my mother. I know I can do that and continue to be ok with whatever decisions are made concerning her. I wanted peace. I have that now."

  • "I was getting information from Adrianna, I felt a deep knowing that the wisdom coming through was exactly what I needed to hear."

  • "Yes, I had my questions answered. To open your mind up is key to understanding."

  • "I am always looking for answers to questions about life. Jennifer came recommended by a friend and I loved the experience."

  • "I have experienced a higher level of satisfaction in my mood since the chakra balancing. I find myself smiling as I’m going about my day. This is huge as I suffer from depression from time to time. Thx again."

  • "The experience has helped me on my spiritual journey, and I am grateful."

  • "It was a really enjoyable experience. I always appreciate the space where the scientific and sacred intersect and dance together."

  • "I spoke mostly with Adrianna. She seemed very loving and (Jennifer's guides) seemed interested in helping me understand the state of the world and where we (as a whole) need to go from here."

  • "It was very healing for me, just to have Jennifer listen to my experiences and validate that what I was experiencing was explainable, and valid. I really think the most value came from just speaking with her one on one. It was also interesting after when she said she was getting little 'insights' as I had been speaking of my experiences (like that was a past life healing/experience, etc."

  • "I loved Jennifer and her team! I felt supported and heard. Jennifer has a knack for integrating the outer world with the inner worlds. Her wisdom is a healing bridge which fits seamlessly with her Spiritual team." πŸ’•πŸ’

  • "Jennifer also addressed an ongoing personal query with a family member on many levels. Her wisdom and techniques helped me with hopeful understanding around both our needs, I am clearer and stronger in my healing journey involving my beloved daughter and I. Jennifer is respectfully honest and I felt a palpable sense of honor and trust."

  • "I appreciated Jennifer's deep insights into an ongoing sleep issue. Insomnia is a topic not many healers address in a helpful way. honestly. I feel the energetics of this reading are still unravelling and I'm excited to move forward with a sense of confidence and positivity!"

  • "I reclined on a massage table, and she stood behind me lightly touching my neck, shifting it from side to side. Without telling her about it, her hands moved directly to the area of my deepest concern ... the vertebral arteries that supply blood into my brain, weaving through the cervical spine that has been misaligned due to past injury. This was my first time meeting Jennifer, and I have no idea of the depth of her anatomical knowledge of cranial arteries. Regardless, her hands arrived at the exact site of the vertebral artery that I suspect is restricting blood flow; her hands were guided to the exact location of my fear and worry."

  • "I'm thrilled with the entire reading and Love Jennifer and her team. I would easily book another reading but will absorb/ integrate what I've gotten for a while first." πŸ™βš‘πŸŒ€πŸ›ΈπŸŒβœ¨πŸ’«πŸ’ƒ

  • "Thank you thank you thank you. I honestly never thought this kind of peace was possible."

  • "I think Jennifer sometimes plays down her abilities (probably not intentionally)...she is a VERY powerful healer and channel."

  • "I had the opportunity to meet with Jennifer both over zoom and in person, the zoom sessions were highly impactful and I felt the energy transmissions strongly. The in person session was a little different as we did a more physical energy alignment and clearing with very no verbal channeling, this was powerful and helped me move out trauma out of my system. Jennifer is the real deal, please do not hesitate to sign up for a session with her, either in person or via zoom, I am quite sure you will be glad you did!"

  • "In one of my sessions with Jennifer she assisted me to remember and tune into my own healing ability so that I could have the tools to move forward after our time together."

  • "I am a whole ass new person thanks to you. I want you to fully understand how much a part of the fabric of my being you will always be. I hope that doesn't seem over the top or melodramatic but somehow I feel you will feel me."

  • " Introduction to my spirit guides and instruction on how to call them in was discovered."

  • "Thank you for allowing $ accessibility for myself and others on our Spiritual journeys!"

  • "I loved closing my eyes with Jennifer as Adrianna spoke through her. Very loving, nurturing, deep. I could feel her presence was just for me. Palpable." πŸ₯°πŸ’«

  • "Thank you so much for generously sharing your gift with me and the world. I could talk to you for hours and hopefully can touch base again in the future.."

  • "I became aware of my body and noticed the intense activation I was experiencing. My whole body was buzzing, tingling, and feeling very light. Temperature fluctuations kept happening, but my inner core stayed really warm while my skin felt cool and activated. I could feel myself subtly swaying, moving energy through me."

  • "It felt very positive, and I felt safe."

  • "I have had many experiences, and meeting Adrianna was incredible."

  • "It felt 'aligned and true' for me."

  • "Felt magical to connect with my higher self and my team."

  • "Powerful. There was a lot of confirmation and clarity. Super grateful."

  • "My experience reaffirmed I am on the right path. Connecting with those I’ve lost was a healing and powerful experience!"

  • "Jennifer, thank you so much for such a wonderful experience. Very grateful for you and also proud of the journey you've embarked on. I would love to continue learning more from you, as I really want to deepen my spirituality/connection with the universe and unlock my abilities too. Much love and light!"

  • "My healing was focused on emotional blockages. Since my sessions I find myself feeling less anxious, and more joyous for no particular reason. I found the experience comforting, familiar, exciting, and humorous at times."

  • "I was so comfortable and did not feel judged. They understood how my mind worked and communicated in a way I completely understood! As a neurodivergent person, this isn't always the case."

  • "I would just like to express my thanks. I didn't know what to expect, so I feel like I gained much more than I anticipated. I didn't expect to heal, but I did gain insight and a sense of peace about the decisions that I am facing."

  • "Affirming and enlightening. So many of the guides' words echoed the words of people who I regard as positive influences in my life and how they have advised me. It was comforting to know I am surrounding myself with the right people."

  • "When Jennifer offered to channel somebody who I have lost, she connected me with my brother who passed 13 years ago. I told my brother how much our mother missed him and I was stunned when he responded (through Jennifer) and said, β€œWhen you are sitting out, tell her I am with the birds.” Why is this significant? Because my mother and I get up early every morning, well before the sun rises, and sit outside and count the satellites that go overhead and watch the sun rise together. And, we always make a special note of what time the birds start singing. (6:42 this morning, for example) Jennifer had no knowledge we do this so it was especially touching my brother said this specifically. And then, to make it even more impactful, the very next morning as my mother and I were sitting out, a large barred owl swooped down over us and sat in a palm tree just 20 feet from us. We had never had that happened before and the owl sat studying us for well over an hour before it decided it was time to fly away. My mother cried happy tears for the entire hour!"