My mission is to help make the world a better place. I work with clients who are ready to heal emotionally, energetically, physically, and spiritually. I am a channel, medium, and healer and that simple means that spirit works through me to help with that. As a vessel for healing, I am accompanied by my team of guides and teachers every step of the way. So, first, I give great gratitude to all of them for making this work possible.

God/Source/Universe/Supreme Intelligence deserves the greatest gratitude for without the creator of creation, this work would not be possible. It has taken me a great deal of time, training, patience, and lessons to discern these energies and it is my job to do the best I can to honor these gifts with reverence and respect for the all that is. It is with great humility that I surrender to the almighty and know that my life is a manifestation of my Higher wisdom and God’s infinite miracles.

Frankly, I never imaged I would open up the gifts of channeling and mediumship and yet it is work I am called to do. For that, I give my great thanks and deep appreciation to everyone I have ever worked with and ever will. And, to you for being here. I do my very best to be a clear channel for spirit and to allow the messages, and healings, that are meant for folks to come through. With that, I trust that the unseen world is far more intelligent than the seen and strive to merge the two to the best of my abilities.  

In my own life, I have come to embrace the power of the unknown. It is where the magic happens. It is the perfect place to create from. The quantum space of uncertainty is where infinite possibilities come from. Tapping into the quantum field of unlimited potential has been life changing for me. I continue to study the work of both modern and ancient practitioners, all devoted to expanding the human experience, in order to learn and grow and evolve each day to a greater awareness of my own being and to help others do the same.

Finally, there is energy itself. The thinking stuff from which all things are made and which in its original state permeates, penetrates, and fills the inner spaces of the universe. It is with this energy that I work with formless substance to create healing experiences for my clients and with spirit. With clear intentions on the highest good of all, I trust that the universe knows what is best for each client and that if I can assist them with their journey, it will be so. 

While I am on an extraordinary journey home to my own self, remembering the great “I am” continues. I very much enjoy linking science and spirituality and that has helped me to understand my gifts a bit better and be more open about my own experiences along the way. Like all humans on this planet, I am here to continuously up-level my own awareness and assist in raising the collective consciousness to a higher vibration and elevated way of being.

My team and I are happy to co-create with you too. It would be an honor to help you tap into your limitless potential. 💜

Who do I channel?

As a trance channel, I serve as a vessel for you to communicate with spirit. In most cases, my job is to stay out of the way. During each session, you will have an opportunity to speak with me briefly then we bring in my team of guides known as SF24. Together, our mission is to help you heal from energetic, emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges. Each session is dedicated to you and your challenges, hopes, aspirations, intentions, and healing. 

SF24 describe themselves as a collective of beings who are my soul family members. The collective includes my Higher Self who has become one of my main guides. Adrianna, leads most sessions with clients and does a lot of work with me personally. In total, there are 24 souls who make up my “team.” and they are always with me, even when I am not working. This is now a very normal part of my life and took a lot of getting used to. While I don’t have a clear understanding of who each and every one of them are, I trust the work we do together is for the highest good of all involved and that they are here to help me and others on our respective journeys around the sun.  

I also channel one of my guardian angels who comes/goes depending on what is needed in my own life and others. When the collective (SF24) comes in, they speak in a unified voice. When I am trance channeling, my head/neck is typically pulled to one side or another to discern who is speaking and to sense the subtle vibration shifts between who is who. And, I don’t see them, rather, I sense they are with me through clairsentience and I hear them through clairaudience. Then, they take over my voice (when I allow it) and sometimes my body motions.

I am also very connected to nature and since everything is energy, I often channel the vibration of places, animals, things, and even experiences when in energetically vibrant places. I have had the opportunity to tune into environments, spirits, and places for some rather extraordinary clearings and healings. If you have something troubling you in an environment, I would be happy to talk with you about doing an energy clearing and what is involved with that. It can be as simple as strong intention setting or smudging a place/object to as complex as having a full ceremony to invite an energy or spirit to leave. My job is to show up, listen, and get out of the way in most cases as the healing guides use me as a vessel for energy healing/clearing. I actually love this part of the work because we see instant results and I am fully guided in the process. 

This journey and my deep sense of spirituality has brought me closer to archangels, ascended masters, healers, and teachers from the great beyond and while I do not claim to channel any of them regularly, it is not uncommon for one or more to come through in a session or during my own personal practice and meditations. I am also frequently guided to where I need to be whether that is to travel to a distant land or to simply move to a place that is vibrationally lit within an environment that I’m in. This has been strange because sometimes it’s as if I’m literally pulled in like a magnet and my hands/body start to move in ways that I do not control as I receive downloads and healing is transmitted. This happens with energy work that I do with people too. I have come to recognize it as Source energy working through me, and to others, in some cases.

What can you expect if we work together?

Each and every session is unique and focussed entirely on you and your soul’s growth. When I work with clients, I primarily channel my team of guides known as SF24. We also invite in other energies who wish to assist in the healing. If we work together, this will include your own Higher Self, your spirit team of guides, as well as your guardian angels. We begin each session by calling in love, light, protection, and assistance to ensure that all of this work is for the highest good of all involved and honors your own divinity. I also call in God, archangels, ascended masters, angels, teachers, and healers for protection, guidance, and healing.

I do not call in dearly departed loved ones anymore because I prefer to let those who have crossed over only come through if they initiate contact. That has been known to happen and yet my preference is to leave that type of mediumship up to those who specialize in it. And, I never guarantee any particular spirit or energy will communicate through me.

In addition to being able to have conversations directly with spirit, individualized sessions can also include an energetic assessment along with working with a client's energy system. We can often provide physical body scans as well as chakra balancing and energetic healings that can help clear blockages that may be causing you to perform at less than optimal levels. Again, no guarantees here yet we do our best to help you with what you need and for you to better understand your own energy system. This often includes breath work, an explanation of your chakra system, and any other work we find may be helpful for you to do on your own.

I’m also a highly sensitive person (HSP) and can often sense what is going on in another person’s physical and/or emotional body and energy field. After decades as an HSP and empath (rather unknowingly most of my life), this is an ability I have learned a lot more about over the past several years. It is more of a psychic ability than channeling although it is a manner of picking up on energy also. My guides use this ability, in tandem with me, to help folks physically and energetically sometimes as well. While I am not a doctor or medical professional, clients have experienced relief from pain, rapid healing from injuries, and been tipped off to larger health challenges that require them to seek professional medical attention during our sessions. We've even performed entity extractions; however, those are only performed in person and after a confidential session prior to assess the situation you are experiencing. No matter what, everyone we work with receives a heavy dose of love and light throughout each and every session (directly from me, my team, and Source energy) that promotes energetic healing on many levels. ​

And, just like no human is exactly the same ... the same goes for souls in the spirit realm as well. This is especially true when it comes to the way trauma, emotions, life experiences, and perspectives affect the mind, body, human experience, and eternal journey of the soul. Therefore, no two sessions are the same. It's also why I do not guarantee a particular outcome or that a spirit on the other side will come through. While spirit interaction varies for each individual we are working with, what remains constant is that we are always committed to helping clients feel safe, secure, and open to receive the healing they seek. I strive to provide a safe and inclusive space for you to show up ... as you! All of you, and your experiences, are welcomed when working with us and it is my hope that you can be your authentic self with me. And, each session is completely private unless you allow us to share some of your experience.   

Overall, clients tell us they feel lighter and more like their soulful selves after a session. It is our intention to help those I/we work with to foster their own personal development and spiritual growth. What we always want you to remember is that you are your own best healer and more powerful you know. Whether you are in need of mental, physical, emotional, and/or spiritual healing ... it would be an honor to work with you. You are a powerful spark of divinity and how brightly you shine your light is up to you. We hope to help remind you of that and how to control the switch.

Want to know a bit more about my journey?

In addition to being a channel, medium, and healer … I am also a writer/producer/director who has owned my own production company for over 25 years. I am currently developing a show that teaches self-awareness, empowerment, and emotional regulation to children and adults alike. It’s called Yoga Dog™ and Friends and it gives kids mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness tools to live happier, healthier lives. It truly is my passion and now that most of it is channeled, I’ve fully embraced that this show is divinely guided and has always been meant to be. It’s a long story (that goes back over 12 years!) which just goes to show that divine timing is everything! I await that day with great anticipation and gratitude.

What I never anticipated is that my gifts as a channel, medium, and healer would open up in the way that they have. I like to say “No one was more surprised than me.” And yet, so much of my life seems as if it were pre-determined and I’m simply turning the pages of a script that’s already written. My job is to pay attention and meet my visions with compelling action and unwavering faith and gratitude.

I won’t sugar coat it … the past several years were tough. I basically left my entire life behind and began traveling around the globe in November of 2020 to better understand my psychic and spiritual gifts. I equate it to being extracted from life as I knew it … and, I needed to make sense of it. My soul needed me to make sense of it. That’s when my gifts and abilities began to open up fully. And, it was pretty dramatic. I went through some severe highs and lows. It took practice to communicate with the vastness of the spirit world, to be consciously channeling all the time, and to know my team was with me 24/7 … it also took a lot of “testing and training” so to speak. I have some pretty extraordinary experiences to share someday and a lot of lessons learned.

Now, I balance my time channeling with clients, working on my writing projects, and upleveling my own consciousness. I have some ideas for creative projects that I would like to work on too and look forward to seeing how they come to be also. I enjoy my work so much that I know it is what I am meant to be doing. I never imaged my life experiences would all merge in the way that they have and yet here we are. I’m truly grateful to have made it to the other side of some rather challenging times and to have had the opportunity to explore these gifts in such profound ways. It is a true privilege and I have so many incredible stories to tell one day. For now, it seems as if the story is still unfolding so it is with great enthusiasm that I continue to turn the page.

If you would like to know more about my professional and philanthropic work, prior to my gifts opening up, please feel free to visit my LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/fosterproductions.

What I wish for me, I wish for you.

May all beings everywhere be happy and free.