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While we are delighted to work with you, booking a session with Jennifer means you are looking for ways to help heal your mind, body, and soul without seeking treatment from a licensed practitioner.


Jennifer is not trained or licensed beyond the guidance of her spirit team and the divine energy of Source. Healing sessions are in no way a substitute for professional medical, mental health, or spiritual counseling and treatment. 

Energy healing is considered alternative, complementary care that does not replace the need for traditional medical care through your physician or licensed professional. Never stop, add, or change any medication or traditional treatment, without the advice, consent and direction of your physician. You are advised to seek the care of a licensed professional for any physical, mental or emotional concerns.

Whether you are seeking mental, physical, or emotional support, you are encouraged to listen to your own mind, body, and soul. You are your own best healer. No channel, psychic, medium, intuitive, or energy practitioner knows you better than you. Information that comes through in a session can be wrong, interpreted incorrectly or miscommunicated. Error is possible and probable due to interpretation, perception and discernment of the vast array of energies that enter the sacred space of a session. 

Our intention is for the experience to be joyful, to bring you relief and for deep healing to occur. Sometimes, it takes moving and clearing energy for that to be possible. While some of the information you receive may be unpleasant and/or emotionally challenging, the information shared will be for the highest good of you and your loved ones. 

If you do not wish to encounter experiences that you may find difficult to reconcile in terms of pain, loss, grief, ego, past lives, or current life experiences then this type of healing modality is not for you at this time. It is always our intention for you to feel safe, loved and supported during a session and beyond. 

Sessions are completely confidential. I will never publish any part of private sessions. Zoom sessions, emails, texts and other digital platforms may not be completely confidential and the use of these platforms does entail certain risks.

The choices you make and the actions you take are solely your responsibility. We ask that you agree to completely hold harmless and absolutely indemnify Jennifer Foster, Jennifer A Foster Productions, Inc., Foster Spiritual Growth and any persons associated with it, its D/B/A, from any and all liabilities and expenses.

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